SAU Tech Employee Directory

rocket man in blue and yellow

Breanna Beaver

Administrative Specialist III
Business Office, Finance & Administration, Staff
Phone: 870-574-4528
rocket man in blue and yellow

Breanna McKnight

Adult Education, Faculty
Phone: 870-574-4001
African American woman in a purple dress

Brenda Juniel

Faculty-Allied Health
Phone: 870-574-4733
African American man in blue polo shirt

Brett Lewis

Faculty -CIS
Phone: 870-574-XXXX
Dark haired woman in striped shirt

Brianna Covington

Faculty-Allied Health
Phone: 870-574-4733
rocket man in blue and yellow

Bryant Pagan

Head Men's Basketball Coach
Phone: 870-574-4545
Woman in black blouse

Camryn Sharp

Rocket Admissions Specialist
Enrollment Services, Staff
Phone: 870-574-4527
black woman smiling

Carissa Lewis

Administrative Specialist III/Choir Director
Phone: 870-574-4521
white male with gray beard

Carl Ramsay

Physical Plant Director
Physical Plant - Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-574-4546
woman wearing black shirt with AFTA

Caroline Leggett

Administrative Specialist
AFTA, Staff
Phone: 870-574-4579
white male wearing a blue shirt

Casey Burns

Faculty Lead
Welding Academy of South Arkansas -Academics
Phone: 870-574-4728
rocket man in blue and yellow

Chad Matthews

Arts & Sciences, Faculty
Phone: 870-5744525
woman smiling with white vest

Cheryl McKinnon

Faculty-Allied Health
Phone: 870-574-4479

Chris Coble

Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Services - Admissions/Athletic Director
Student Services
Phone: 870-574-4530
rocket man in blue and yellow

Christopher Gill

Barbering Instructor
Phone: 870-574-4440