Arkansas College & Career Coaches Initiative

The College and Career Coach initiative supports and assists high school students in 21 of Arkansas’s most economically challenged counties. Their job duties are to:

  • Provide early outreach to all students and their parents with information about the importance of post-secondary education.
  • Facilitate the development of individual career plans and portfolios.
  • Assist students with enrolling in education or training programs.
  • Provide information about career options, career pathways and educational requirements.
  • Provide opportunities for job shadowing, mentoring, internships and other career awareness activities
  • Provide or connect low-income students to support services that will ease the transition to post-secondary education..
  • Connect students to academic enrichment activities such as study groups, tutoring and workshops on effective study skills.
  • Connect high school students to early college programs, the Smart Core Curriculum, Advanced Placement classes, and academic and career and technical education (CTE) programs and concurrent-credit enrollment.