SAU Tech Employee Directory

    White woman in a patterned blouse

    Katherine Beckham

    Faculty- Aviation Maintenance
    Phone: 870-574-4788
    woman in a beige shirt

    Kathy Wright

    Adult Education
    Phone: 870-234-6064
    woman with hair pulled back wearing a white shirt

    Katrina Robinson

    Assistant Director of Records
    Registrar’s Office
    Phone: 870-574-4485
    woman with short grey hair wearing a black and white stripe shirt

    Kay Hudman

    Computer Engineering Instructor
    Career Academy
    Phone: 870-574-4583
    woman with curly hair wearing glasses and a animal print shirt

    Keisha Robinson

    Procurement Manager
    Business Office
    Phone: 870-574-4515
    White man wearing a gray shirt

    Kelly Reid

    Arkansas Fire Training Academy
    Phone: 870-574-4580
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Kendall Synder

    Phone: 501-350-8753
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Kenneth Harvey

    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Keosha Gulley

    Academic Advisor
    Academics & Planning
    Phone: 870-574-4492
    woman wearing black shirt with black hair

    Kilatha Hargiss

    Division Manager-FIRE
    Arkansas Fire Training Academy
    Phone: 870-574-4760
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Kit Dean

    Administrative Specialist III
    Phone: 870-574-4493
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Kristia Vanhook

    Landscape Specialist
    Physical Plant, Staff
    Phone: 870-574-4556
    young woman in a black shirt

    Kronda Page

    Administrative Specialist III
    Phone: (870) 574-4550
    a woman with blond hair and jacket

    Krystal Gosvenor

    Administrative Specialist III
    Office of Finance & Administration
    Phone: 870-574-4528
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    LaChunda Pace

    Accounts Payable Analyst
    Business Office
    Phone: 870-574-4523