SAU Tech Chancellor Named to Governor’s New Mobility Council

SAU Tech Chancellor Named to Governor's Mobility Advisory Council


On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced the creation of the Future Mobility Advisory Council by Executive Order in a streamed press conference. The Governor announced the council members, including Dr. Jason Morrison, SAU Tech's Chancellor.

Hutchison stated the council's goal is to ensure that Arkansas is prepared to integrate new transportation technology into the existing transportation infrastructure. The council will identify policies and laws that may hinder progress and suggest how to improve process and training options to move the advanced mobility technology forward. He stated that he expected the first report from the council to be ready in November of this year.

Dr. Morrison will serve on the committee with experts on future mobility, state agency leaders, private companies, and organizations that promote advanced transportation technology. Morrison stated that "I am excited to serve on this initiative. If you know me, you know that I am very interested in new technology and how we can create training programs to provide the employees that the advanced mobility initiatives will require. SAU Tech being in South Arkansas provides representation for the two-year colleges in the state as the council develops policies and processes. I believe exciting things are on the way."

Dr. Jason Morrision is the only college president/chancellor on the council.