National Register of Historic Places Seal

SAU Tech Buildings Added to National & State Registries

SAU Tech Buildings Added to Historical Places

Celebrating 50 years this year, SAU Tech has reached another milestone with three of its buildings being added to historical registries.

Spring of 2017 started with staff from the Arkansas Department of Heritage meeting with SAU Tech's Chancellor and grant writer to discuss the inclusion of some of the former Shumaker Naval base buildings as historical landmarks. After research by the ADH was completed, SAU Tech received word that the former Laundry Building, now used as classrooms and the College's Physical Plant, was eligible for the Arkansas Historical Register and that the Administration Building and former Civilian Barracks Buildings, were in the process of being reviewed for inclusion on the National Register of Historical Places.

As of May 29, 2018, the Administration Building and former Civilian Barracks are both on the National Register of Historical Places. The College will seek funding to improve the buildings while maintaining their historical significance. A celebration of the College's 50th Birthday is scheduled for August 29, 2018 at Noon. The public is invited to attend.

black and white photo of building
Pictured above is the Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot Administration Building. Below is the Building today which is still used for the administration of the College.
Pictured above is the Naval Laundry Building which is used today as the manufacturing building and physical plant for the College.
The additional buildings added to the National Registry are the two dorms or what was civilian barracks that are located across the street from the College. One building is partially used to house Arkansas Fire Training Academy students and overflow of students from SAU Tech's housing.
SAU Tech Campus Administration Building


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