Joyce Robinson Flowers
Betty J Lewis, December's Unsung Hero
The SAU Tech Black History Celebration committee is recognizing Joyce Robinson Flowers as the Betty J. Lewis Unsung Hero for December 2022.
Joyce Robinson Flowers was born and reared in Chidester, Arkansas. After graduating from Pleasant Hill High School as Valedictorian, she matriculated and received a BA degree in English/Language Arts from Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal College, now known as the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. After receiving her Bachelor’s, she received her Master of Arts degree in English/Reading from Ouachita Baptist University.
After finishing her formal studies, she obtained a position with the Chidester School District, which consolidated with Camden Fairview School District. While working for the district as an AP Literature, Language Composition, and Composition I and II teacher, she served as Senior Class sponsor, Beta Club sponsor and representative for the district and high school leadership team, National Honor Society sponsor, and was an active member of her local PTO during the time that her children were in school and afterward. For six years, she served as a Literacy Specialist for the district, a dyslexic therapist, and chair of the literacy department for the high school.
As Camden Fairview’s Literacy Specialist, she received a grant from the Ouachita Valley Community Foundation to purchase journals, backpacks, and books. She also received several awards and recognitions while working for the district: Teacher of the Month, Teacher of the Year, PTO Parent of the Year, and was a representative for southern Arkansas to serve on the ESSA Steering Committee with the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to which she continues to serve on in retirement. She retired after dedicating over fifty years of service to the district.
Joyce is very active and continues to serve her community in various ways. She is a Golden (50 years of membership) and Life Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. She is an active member of the Camden chapter, Sigma Beta Omega. She has served as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the chapter. She is also an active member of New Haven Baptist Church, where Rev. Jeffery Fields is the pastor. She serves as a youth Sunday School Teacher, Women’s Missionary Society member, Principal of Vacation Bible School, and Church Clerk. She also is a member of the Ouachita County Retired Teachers’ Association.
Joyce Robinson Flowers is the second child of the late Willard (Lump) and Etta Rigsby Robinson. Her siblings include Gladys Robinson Stuart, Willard Robinson, Jr. (deceased), Hershel Robinson (deceased), Linda Robinson Wyrick, and Gwendolyn Robinson. She is the widow of Rodell Flowers, Jr., who was married for over forty years. She has two children, Eric D. Flowers, E.D., and Amber L. Flowers.